Find exposed files on Rsync

Internet is full of rsync servers with their exposed files Rsync protocol is a file transfer protocol used to synchronize files between systems efficiently. It compares the files on the source and destination systems and transfers only the differences, minimizing bandwidth usage. Rsync works by sending checksums of files over the network, enabling it to transfer only parts of files that have changed. This method reduces data transfer time and is particularly useful for remote backups, mirroring websites, and syncing large datasets.

Searching Rsync servers

Shodan reports thousands of results, but obviously a bunch of them will require authentication, i recommend customize the query product:rsyncd with your desired keywords for better results.
[*] shodan_results.png

Basic commands

List all directories (you can see it in the banner reported by shodan of each result): rsync --list-only [address]::[directory (leave blank for all)] Download files in your current directory: rsync -avh [address]::[directory (leave blank for all)] $(pwd)
[*] rsync_list.png

[*] rsync_download.png