Explore AXIS open IP Cameras on Google

Find IP webcams on Google! The internet cameras displayed on Google allow users from all over the world to see natural environments, urban spaces, places of culture and various other interesting places in real-time. Many of these webcams are managed by public organizations, such as national parks, museums and scientific institutions, other webcams are installed by private individuals to monitor their property, sports or daily life. These webcams can easily be searched on the internet via Google Dorking. I chose to search AXIS products because some of them allow you to move the webcam in real time.
[*] axis_camera.png
Here is an example of a Google dork to search generic webcams: inurl:/view/index.shtml filetype:shtml But I want to focus on AXIS cameras, knowing the structure of their title tag I deducted this dork: intitle:"Live view - AXIS * Network Camera"

Can i use alternative search engines?

Of course, i recommend FOFA, the results indexed by a specific search engine are significative more than google, however google dorking is still used to search files, certain strings in a certain URL path, and other things like that. For example, Public AXIS camera indexed by FOFA are more than 21k. title="Live view - AXIS "