SIMATIC HMI default credentials

Siemens' SCADAs are exposed on internet! SIMATIC HMI (Human Machine Interface) is a software system that allows the user to manage and interact with industrial machines and systems. The "Miniweb on HMI_Panel" web dashboard is an advanced feature of SIMATIC HMI that allows you to access the user interface of an HMI device from a web browser, without the need to install third-party software or use specific apps for the HMI. The "Miniweb on HMI_Panel" allows you to perform various operations, such as monitoring, control, configuration etc... With a simple research on FOFA we can see a bit less than 6k results. Default credentials are Administrator and 100, and yes many of them allow that! title="Miniweb Start Page" (you can also search it on google with the following dork: intitle:"Miniweb Start Page")
[*] fofa_results.png
Without logging in you can still view some of its functionalities, but to interact with them you must log in. Seems you have to install client software to manage machines remotely, Sm@rtClient Available on Play Store. the interface looks a bit user friendly so I don't have to explain how to use it.
[*] hmi_dashboard.png